

9.00 Registration and coffee
9.30 Introduction ( At Students' Union Auditorium)
Professor Anne Peat, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Learning and Teaching
9.50 Achieve More: Developments for Level 2
Professor Tony Ryan, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Science
10.10 Enactus: Skills Development
Caroline Turner, Managing Director of Enactus Sheffield
10.30 Q and A for Achieve More and Enactus Sheffield
10.45 Break
11.15 Parallel Sessions 1
1. Workshop (At Discovery Room 3)

Developing the Engaged Curriculum
Professor Brendan Stone (English), Dr Dave Forrest (English), Ryan Bramley (English), Dr Kate Pahl (Education), Dr Barry Gibson (Dentistry), Dr Andy Inch (Town and Regional Planning), Dr Lee Crookes (Town and Regional Planning), Jason Slade (Town and Regional Planning), India Woof (Academic and Learning Services)
2. Presentations(3)(At Inox Conference Suite 1)

a) Embedding Academic Skills Into the Curriculum: Approaches & Challenges
Amy Jeffries (301 Student Skills & Development Centre)

b) From Nicolaus of Cusa to Graduates for the 21st Century: Personalising knowledge-based skills and toolkits for staff and students
Professor Brian Whalley (Geography)

c) Time Management, Organisation and Procrastination: Helping students with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs) to develop effective planning strategies and manage their workload
Emma Tudhope (English Language Teaching Centre)
3. Presentations (3)( At Inox Conference Suite 2)

a) Like Banging Your Head Against a Brick Wall? The use of reflective assessments to deepen and enhance student learning
Alex Berry (Department for Lifelong Learning), Dr Anthony Warde (Department for Lifelong Learning), Dr Willy Kitchen (Department for Lifelong Learning)

b) Using Creative Writing as an Alternative Mode of Inquiry in Teaching and Research
Dr Matthew Cheeseman (English)

c) Developing from a Student to a Reflective Professional
Dr Anthony Rossiter (Automated Control and Systems Engineering)
4. Presentations (2)(At Discovery Room 1)

a) Student Ambassadors for Learning and Teaching (SALTs): The student perspective
Amber Mayo, SALT (Nursing and Midwifery)

b) Feedback for Action: A framework
Dr Oli Johnson (Academic and Learning Services)
5. Presentations (3)(At Inox Conference Suite 3)

a) Portable Reflective Learning: The Sheffield Postgraduate Researcher ePortfolio
Professor Jackie Labbe (Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Arts and Humanities), Dr Joanna Gavins (Faculty of Arts and Humanities)

b) The Future is Unwritten, Literally: Mentoring doctoral thesis writers
Dr Kay Guccione (Research and Innovation Services), Dr Serina Akhtar (Animal and Plant Sciences)

c) PBL of Doctoral Students in Collaboration with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs): ‘Thinking like a professional engineer’. Real life tasks and scenarios
Dr Plato Kapranos (Materials Science and Engineering)
6. Presentations (2)(At Discovery Room 2)

a) Student Experience at The University of Sheffield: How do students reflect on their own skills and competences during the first year of university studies
Dr Rita Hordosy (Widening Participation Research and Evaluation Unit)

b) The Manchester Access Programme (MAP): A widening participation scheme to develop the knowledge and skills of under-represented students in preparation for studying at university.
Dr Patrick Murphy (Molecular Biology and Biotechnology)
12.15 Lunch and networking
13.10 Parallel Sessions 2
7. Workshop(At Discovery Room 3)

Embedding Enterprise into Core Teaching: Getting to the heart of the matter
Dr Lauren Buck (Biomedical Science), Dr Ali Riley (University of Sheffield Enterprise)
8. Presentations (2)(At Discovery Room 1)

a) How Risky is Chocolate?
Dr Joanna Bates (Materials Science and Engineering), Claire Johnson (Materials Science and Engineering), Kerry McLaughlin (Materials Science and Engineering), Nadia Fernandes (Materials Science and Engineering), Stephen Mason (Materials Science and Engineering), Dr Julian Dean (Materials Science and Engineering)

b) Advocacy Skills – Mock Trials, Presentations and Negotiation
Gareth Bramley (Law), Tina McKevitt (Law), Julia Belshaw (Law)
9. Presentations (3)(At Inox Conference Suite 1)

a) Digital Literacy for Overseas Students
Dr Nicholas Murgatroyd (English Language Teaching Centre) and David Read (English Language Teaching Centre)

b) Viral Videos: Enhancing students’ digital literacy skills and employability
Dr Ana Cruz (Business Administration and Economics, International Faculty)

c) Developing Skills to Aid the Transition out of HE by Creating Freely Accessible Teaching Materials.
Dr Graham McElearney (Corporate Affairs/CiCS), Gary Wood (University of Sheffield Enterprise)
10. Presentations (2)(At Inox Conference Suite 2)

a) The Image Speaks: Photography and research
Dr David Forrest (English) and Amy Ryall (Faculty of Arts and Humanities)

b) Using CLEAR IDEAS for Developing Creativity and Innovation Skills
Dr Kamal Birdi (Institute of Work Psychology)
11. Presentations (3)(At Inox Conference Suite 3)

a) Incorporating Work-Based Learning Into Your PGT Programmes
Dr Hilary Jones (Careers Service)

b) “An Extremely Rewarding Experience”: The M.A Work Placement in Special Collections
Jacky Hodgson (Library), Dr Jane Hodson (English), Dr Tom Leng (History)

11 c) Bringing Skills Teaching into the Mainstream to Enhance the Learning Experience
Rachel Cooper (Law), Louise Glover (Law), Paula Hatton (Law), Pauline Laidlaw (Law)
12. Presentations (2)(At Discovery Room 2)

a) Formation of Professional Identity in Student Doctors and Dentists
Dr Pirashanthie Vivekananda-Schmidt (Medical School)

b) b) Early Years Clinical Experience in Primary Care: Understanding context, applying knowledge, developing skills and professionalism
Dr David Moore (Academic Unit of Primary Medical Care)
14.20 Parallel Sessions 3
13. Workshop(At Discovery Room 3)

Piloting PASS in Aerospace Engineering: A model for peer learning
Matthew Martin (301 Student Skills & Development Centre)
14. Presentations (3)(At Inox Conference Suite 1)

a)Diverse academic literacy practices in higher education: An exploration of different models of academic literacies, as experianced by students
Victoria Mann (English Language Teaching Centre)

b) The Integrated Design Project: A case study showing how project based learning is used to bridge the gap between academia and the construction industry, with a focus on peer assessment
Paul Hulbert (Civil and Structural Engineering)

c) The Golden Triangle (Self, Staff and Peer Marking)
Kate Campbell-Pilling (Law), Andrew Callaghan (Law), Sarah Robson-Burrell (Law)
15. Presentations (2)(At Inox Conference Suite 2)

a) Student-Staff Research Partnership that Develops Student Learning? SURE.
Tracy Mayes (301 Student Skills & Development Centre)

b) The SURE Programme and Its Benefits for Continuing Learning and Research
Dr Carmen Levick (English) and Holly Gilson (English)
16. Presentations (2)(At Inox Conference Suite 3)

a) Sharpening Information Literacy Skills: For and through assessment and feedback
Vicky Grant (Library), Maria Mawson (Library)

b) Embedded Information Literacy Curriculum in Arts and Humanities
Clare Scott (Library), Professor Penny Simons (Languages and Cultures)
17. Presentations (2)(At Discovery Room 1)

a) Beneficial Internships for Doctoral Students: Research benefits, student development and employer engagement
Dr Hilary Jones (Careers Service), Dr Gavin Boyce (Research and Innovation Services)

b) Improving Employability of Students: PGRs as principal investigators on Think Ahead: Sheffield Undergraduate Research Experience (TA:SURE)
Dr Lucy Lee (Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health)
18. Presentations (2)(At Discovery Room 2)

a) An Analysis and Advancement of Sustainability Marketing Education in Postgraduate University Curricula: A Sheffield University research case study on three different perspectives: student, academic and business
Teodora Alexandra Nicolau (external, Vimto International), Dr Nicola Newman (Management), Dr Panayiota Alevizou (Management)

b) Applying Theory Through Teamwork, Concession and Brainstorming
Chris Liassides (International Faculty)
15.20 Break
15.40 Closing Plenary Panel (At Students' Auditorium)
Professor Anne Peat, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Learning and Teaching (Convenor)
Professor Stephen Beck, Head of Multidisciplinary Engineering Education
Amy Jeffries, Manager of 301 Student Skills & Development Centre
Malaka Mohammed Shwaikh, Students' Union Education Officer
Caroline Turner, Managing Director of Enactus Sheffield
16.15 Final remarks
Professor Anne Peat, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Learning and Teaching
16.30 Close

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